Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Fears of Stoddard Linger
Germany Plays With Procreation’s Price Point
By Mike Nizza
Tags: aging, europe, foreign affairs
Days after The Lede’s look at declining birth rates in countries around the world, from Asia to the United States to Europe, The Financial Times is reporting some contrarian news on fertility from Düsseldorf, Germany:
In the first quarter of 2007, nearly 15 percent more babies were born in Düsseldorf than in the same period last year. The Kaiserwerther Diakonie, one of the city’s three large hospitals, reported a rise in births of more than 16 percent in the first half of the year.
While noting that it is too early to declare a trend, The F.T. nonetheless lists some possible explanations for what a German newspaper is calling “a new baby boom.” Along with a stronger local economy that is attracting young couples, a policy known as Elterngeld is held up. The Elterngeld program now offers subsidies of as much as 25,200 euros ($34,700) a year to mothers who bear children in the year 2007 and beyond. Before this year, the subsidy was set at 7,200 euros ($10,000), leading to reports that mothers were delaying labor in December 2006, hoping to qualify for the extra cash by giving birth in the new year.
Germany’s policy was inspired by its Scandinavian neighbors, who offer even more munificent benefits to new mothers. They also enjoy stronger birth rates. A BBC graphic outlines Europe’s various offers.
The possible success of the higher payment in Germany and elsewhere in Europe prompts a question of procreation’s price point. How much would it take to induce you to have a baby? And can your government afford to fuel a new baby boom while taking care of the original baby boomers?
Supposedly, the economic pressures to maintain population growth are real. That is to say, if we put aside purely blatant racism as the motivation to encourage essentially white demographics, various arguments are made the aim of which is to convice us that not only is a growing population a good thing but also a necessary thing. Among those arguments is the notion that great powers must have large populations. Another is that, as populations age, that is, as the older citizenry represents a larger and larger percentage of the total population, more babies must be produced so that they can pay for the maintenance of their elders through the various tax or social welfare programs. Of course, from the perspective of a consumer society, there is yet a third factor--and perhaps this is the most important--fewer people mean fewer sales.
In the ensuing segments of this essay, I will try to address each of these factors. I will only say here that all of these factors must be measured against what I consider to be the over-riding issue, namely, there are just too many people on the planet right now. Sooner, rather than later, the disastrous impact of the estimated six billion of us that presently tax the resources of our planet will undoubtedly make itself felt, perhaps in ways that we have not yet been able to imagine. A paradigm shift is necessary if human life is to be sustained in a manner that allows us to cohabit with rather than exploit to the point of extinction the organisms with which we reside.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Population Control: Good Old Days

“Civilization’s going to pieces,” broke out Tom violently. "I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read ‘The Rise of the Colored Empires’ by this man Goddard?”
“Why, no,” I answered, rather surprised by his tone.
“Well, it’s a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.”
“Tom’s getting very profound,” said Daisy, with an expression of unthoughtful sadness. “He reads deep books with long words in them. What was that word we——”
“Well, these books are all scientific,” insisted Tom, glancing at her impatiently. “This fellow has worked out the whole thing. It’s up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things.”
Perhaps it was legal considertions that forced Fitzgerald to thinly disguise the Stoddard work. He may have altered the name of the author and the title of his work, but Fitzgerald was not fabricating contemporary attitudes toward non-white peoples. This was also the period in which the eugenics movement had begun to flourish here in the United States, and Jack London could unblinkingly write of "The Yellow Peril." The concluding sentences of that work have echoes in current political reality:
The world is whirling faster to-day than ever before. It has gained impetus. Affairs rush to conclusion. The Far East is the point of contact of the adventuring Western people as well as of the Asiatic. We shall not have to wait for our children's time nor our children's children. We shall ourselves see and largely determine the adventure of the Yellow and the Brown. (Italics mine.)
It is interesting that though he titled his essay, "The Yellow Peril," London did not fail to include the similar threat posed by the growth of the "brown" races. A bit later in the twentieth century, however, the racial policies of the Nazis and the Fascists gave such phrases as "white supremacy" and the "master race" decidedly horrific connotations, and such terminology fell from use--at least in polite public discourse.
The truth is, however, that discussions of population control are still regularly cast in terms of race or ethnicity. In addition, given capitalism's need for markets and cheap labor, one would be hard pressed to see in print--or in any other medium--the advantages of a nation or the whole globe, for that matter, limiting population growth. Religion, race, politics and economics all come to play in discussions of population. Viewed strictly in terms of the health of the planet, this should not be the case. The very term ecology implies that there is some ideal balance of population, available resources and the health of the ecosystem.
What the environmentalists of our own day make painfully clear to all but those who profit from ignoring the reality is that there are too many automobiles, too many smoke stacks, overproduction of agricultural products, overfishing of the seas, disastrous incursions into wetlands areas, virgin forests and rain forests, scarcity of potable water, irresponsible building of dams...
(To be continued)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Population Control III

Even prior to the current Bush regime, however, the battle against rational family planning had been furiously pursued. Starting at the time of the Reagan administration one heard less and less about birth control or population control. Abortion here in the U.S. was portrayed by segments of the Black community (who, in fairness, had been the tragic victim historically of various sexual experimentation) as a covert form of genocide. Population control efforts in India, for example, were at the same time, portrayed as racist or misogynistic. When China, historically alarmed at the prospect of feeding its billions, resorted to its one-child policy, the policy was depicted in the West as a fascist-like intrusion into the lives of its citizenry, with scenes of women being dragged to abortion clinics out of their rural cottages frequently shown on Western television.

The pill had rendered condoms more or less unnecessary. AIDS made condoms an imperative. Unwanted pregnancy was not the issue, but failure to use a condom could spell a sentence of death or a life shortened by a debilitating disease. While the medical community continues its efforts to find a vaccine and expensive drug cocktails keep most in the developed world alive, AIDS has begun to ravage many African nations. (In a feeble and transparent attempt to appear humanitarian, George Bush pretends concern here while standing by as one African nation after another falls prey to genocidal internecine political conflicts, the heritage of centuries of colonial rule. For the U.S. and the European powers who raped and plundered the sub-Sahara of its wealth and now essentially stand by, hands in their pockets, silent witnesses to the aftermath of their colonial adventures, this is a form of birth control they can live with.)
In Europe, the United States and others of the developed areas of the globe, Malthus has been disproved on a grand scale. If anything, the left critique of Malthus, namely that as a society develops there will be natural checks on the birth rate, is now seemingly vindicated. In Italy, where the bambinos were traditionally adored, middle class affluence has soured a society drugged on the delicacies of a consumer culture to the messiness and inconvenience of child rearing. Babies get in the way. Italy now has the lowest birth rate in Europe. In Russia, both the birth rate and life expectancy have gone down precipitously by modern standards, as alcoholism and depression take their toll in the wake of the failure of the soviet experiment. As developed nations try to digest changes in the role of women and a redefinition of family, ( a still evolving story), the imperative for cheap labor must be attended to, and thus immigration from the poorer nations must be tolerated.
While London, Paris and New York, now as much as Tokyo, indulge in $200 sashimi meals, almost eradicating blue fin tuna from the oceans, much of the world is still hungry, poor, and obviously procreating like crazy. In many quarters, this tendency of the poor to multiply is seen as a threat--Latinos and Chicanos in the U.S. or Palestinians in the Israeli occupied territories for example--but, over all, unchecked global capital now sees either growing markets or a seemingly endless supply of cheap labor. Thus, we now have the perfect confluence of reactionary forces--the moral whip of poverty and the economic whip of greed.
Some Americans can remember when "Made in Japan" was synonymous with cheap goods. We are already in the period when "Made in China" has gained status and is giving way to manufactures from such venues as India, Indonesia or the Dominican Republic. No, there will be no cry for population control. Scarce workers mean high wages and lower profits. Scarce populations mean smaller markets. Like all games of "chicken," however, this game carries with it the prospect of death or disaster--in this case, for the whole planet. Just as much as it was when Malthus cast his baleful eye on the global economies, the race is between limited resources and potentially unlimited appetites.

Population Control II

Monday, June 18, 2007
The Population Taboo

Examples of how we are destroying life on the planet through overpopulation and people sprawl range from the mundane (lawns and golf courses in Tucson, bears in suburban back yards, alligators in Florida swimming pools, etc.) to the far more alarming (global warming, deforestation, melting ice caps, over fishing the seas, etc.) There was a time when even the "left" ridiculed the notion that there could be too many people. Erlich was seen as a latter day Malthus, the man who infamously argued that population grows geometrically while resources grow arithmetically. Create a rational society, use the latest scientific methods, and mankind could feed everyone. Skeptics pointed to the tendency of advanced societies to have lower birth rates. As societies prospered and health care improved, it was no longer necessary or desirable for women to have multiple pregnancies. In other words, socialists and capitalists shared the notion that their way, their path to the future would render the ancient problem of balancing resources to population a thing of the past.
It should now be clear that both camps were wrong. Whether capitalist or communist, the man of the future simply will not be able to stuff his face with as much sashimi as he desires--not, at least, if he is joined at the table by nine or ten billion of his contemporaries. Of course, you could "farm" various fishes and therefore provide zillions more of the preferred species of the moment, but we now know that "farming" sea creatures has frightening hidden costs, as frightening in their way as the costs we currently pay for saturating the earth with nitrates and other chemicals to feed the various masses.
Why has the cry--once routinely heard--for population control died out? Why, particularly now, when the evidence of the environmental devastation that surging populations have caused is clearer than ever?
Friday, June 08, 2007
Lingering Icons of Empire

What most caught my attention was the series

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Games Fever TV: FCC Enabled Theft?

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Kucinich May Be Our Only Hope

Thursday, January 04, 2007
The (Former) King is Dead. Long Live the King!