Tuesday, September 19, 2006

On the Internment of American Prisoners: III

By the time an apparatus called Der Heimat--no, sorry, Homeland Security, was being put in place, it was clear that there would be a homegrown reign of terror overseen by Bush, but more particularly by the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Perlman cabal. By the way, that word "cabal." Perhaps the one sign of life in the loyal opposition is that they have allowed that word to have currency in discussing the nature of the Bush government. It is a word formerly out of dark conspiracy theories, illuminati stuff. And, of course, given the Bush family's predilection for nonsense like Yale's Skull and Bones, there has been a deluge of internet web sites that will educate you on Prescott (Bush the Father's Father) Bush's Nazi ties, the key role of Bush the Father in the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Kennedy assassination. Some of it is actually quite amusing. For example, Bush the Father named his fighter plane "Barbara" when he was a pilot during WWII, then when it was shot down, called his new plane--you guessed--"Barbara II." In a similar fashion, he ran an offshore oil company called Zapata, which lent its name to the insider's name for covert operations in Cuba, "Operation Zapata," and one of the boats used in the mission was--of course--called "Barbara." Ahh...the cosmic lattice of coincidence. Again, we really don't need to devote our full waking hours to tracking down conspiracy theories, (something the right wing would love the left to do--sit on its collective derriere as I am doing at this very moment, rather than acting to change the political fabric of this country), it is what the current political administration does as a matter of public record that should be enough to get them all indicted as war criminals.

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