Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Rape of America

The American financial "system" has brought shock therapy to our own shores with a vengence. A Nuremberg style trial should await all those who participated in the greatest theft of a nation's resources in the history of finance, yet that is unlikely to happen in a country with one party rule, particularly when the elected representatives of both parties have been bought by the very same participants in the theft. Under the present political arrangement, the citizenry is essentially powerless to protect its interests. Any hope for a remedy is now years, perhaps decades in the future. The candidates of both parties have reacted to the financial crisis with warnings of the further sacrifices that average Americans will have to make. While McCain, (who revealed his true disdain for the democratic process when it gets in the way of his ambition by selecting as his running mate an individual who believes in creationism and speaks in tongues), is deeply embedded with the same constituencies who could tolerate the demise of constitutional government over the last eight years, Obama is merely the fancy creation of the old Northeastern Republican establishment. The Democrats are not an opposition party as much as they are in the business of maintaining the illusion of choice. It is an illusion that will now be even harder to maintain. Stripped of that illusion, the United States' truly oligarchical nature should become clearer and clearer--even to our heavily propagandized electorate. What is called for now is the creation of a people's party.

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