Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Obama Meeting Leaders From Congress on Stalemate


President Obama asked House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, to come to the White House on Wednesday to discuss the stalemate over the budget.

228. Vincent Amato

New York City

April 6th, 2011 8:40 pm

I have seen "the rapture" before, but never so virulently as in the aura being projected by Representative Ryan and his acolytes. That this faction was elected by the American people while the dust of the 2008 financial collapse was still swirling about is truly frightening for the fate of our republic. This writer expected--apparently out of sheer ignorance of who many of my fellow Americans are--that the bungling and greed of the financial masters of the universe would have had exactly the opposite reaction among voters. Instead, (and I can't help but blame the president's timidity for this), the impression was allowed to take hold in the American heartland that poor blacks, school teachers, retirees and the ill were responsible. The bad guys engineered a free ride for themselves.

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