Tuesday, October 04, 2011

List of Demands

Since the observation is being made by the mainstream media that the protesters have not made a list of demands, I offer the following draft document:

  1. National Health Insurance.

  2. Guaranteed employment for all Americans.

  3. Increase in the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.

  4. Initiation of talks leading to the universal illegalization of all nuclear weapons.

  5. Withdrawal of all U.S. forces from: Iraq, Afghanistan, Okinawa, Korea, Germany, Kosovo, and others of the nearly 1,000 U.S. military bases all over the globe.

  6. A cut of at least 50% in the overall military budget.

  7. Reinstitution of the draft during constitutionally approved wars and a prohibition on the hiring of private military personnel.

  8. Cessation of all foreign aid that does not take the form of medical supplies, food, construction materials or personnel assistance.

  9. Signing of the Geneva Accords prohibiting attacks on civilian populations.

  10. Signing of the Kyoto Accords.

  11. Full and adequate funding for the EPA, the FDA, FCC, FAA, OSHA, the SEC and other watchdog and consumer protection agencies.

  12. An absolute prohibition of torture.

  13. Reaffirmation of habeus corpus and other safeguards in our constitution.

  14. Trials or release for all those held at Guantanamo.

  15. Institution of a war crimes tribunal for all those responsible for the illegal war in Iraq as well as for all government officials who allowed or encouraged the use of torture.

  16. Faithful adherence to the Geneva Conventions governing the rules of warfare.

  17. A jobs program growing out of investment in:

    1. mass transit

    2. railroads, light rail, trolleys and jitneys

    3. public housing

    4. school construction

    5. repair of infrastructure to include a Make America Beautiful component

  18. A progressive tax system that ranges from 0% to 95%.

  19. Elimination of all off-shore tax shelters.

  20. Removal of all taxes on household items and clothing.

  21. A 100% tax on all luxury goods and a 75% inheritance tax.

  22. A minimum of 50 miles to the gallon for all passenger cars.

  23. Elimination of the SUV loophole with regard to mileage requirements.

  24. A tax on gasoline adequate to fund work on mass transit and railroads.

  25. Federal financing of the public schools.

  26. Free college tuition and free vocational training for all qualified students.

  27. A reparations program for the descendants of slaves in the form of free tuition at colleges and universities, free job training, guaranteed employment, housing subsidies, investment in demographically Black communities in the form of housing, schools, libraries and enhanced social services.

  28. Honoring of all treaties made with American Indians.

  29. Limit on television advertising to a maximum of five minutes per hour. Elimination of all advertising on public television. Abolition of all drug advertising in all media except medical journals.

  30. Decriminalization of all drug use.

  31. Registration of all firearms. Prohibition of sale of all automatic weapons.

  32. Labels on all products sold indicating all of their chemical contents as well as their possible hazards to health and the environment.

  33. Institution of protections for children from all media and other products containing the exploitation of violence and pornography.

  34. Institution and strict enforcement of protections for the humane treatment of all animals raised for human consumption or for use in scientific experimentation.

  35. Tax-free status for all newspapers as well as other subsidies designed to promote print media.

  36. Feel free to add to this list:

1 comment:

Harvey said...

I have know Vincent Amato for over 40 years and this is the first time I have agreed with everything he has said. Now that Christie isn't running, let's back Vincenzo.