Sunday, July 20, 2014

What to Watch for in Gaza

Now that it should be fairly clear to all what the so-called Arab Spring was really about--more a spring board into chaos than anything resembling springtime hosts of daffodils--an even larger pattern emerges. Why would Israel launch an orgy of killing innocents, making it a pariah state in the minds of all nations outside of the Anglo-American cartel?  It is possible that Israel hopes to lure Hezbollah in Lebanon and forces in Syria into the fray for an all-out Michael Corleone day of reckoning.  Should such an event occur and meet with some success, all of the nations of the Muslim world--with the exception of Saudi Arabia--will have been successfully destabilized, a chain of failed states from the Straits of Gibraltar to the borders with China.  This would constitute a redrawing of the political map on a scale that we have not seen since the two world wars ended.  In this context, the "War on Terrorism," actually the rape of a whole culture that stretches from the Atlantic to the Indian oceans, (never actually a war involving matched combatants), will have accomplished the aims of the Western powers, spearheaded by the U.S.  No one will be able to oppose the American hegemon.  Not a Muslim mouse will roar.
       The American inspired and supported putsch in the Ukraine will serve to divert Russian energy from playing the role of a great power in the region, laying the groundwork for further deepening the West's control over the theater of operations.  The Americans and the English were always better at mind games, the use of double and triple agents, false flag operations and the full panoply of covert operations--all deeply enhanced by their limitless capacity for being able to rationalize the most outrageous acts, costing countless loss of human lives--that gave us everything from Dresden to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the saturation bombing of Vietnam where it is often said that more tonnage of bombs were dropped than in all of World War II.  All for the greater good and the ultimate victory of Christian Civilization.

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