Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A New World Order in a Can

The invention that could truly bring about a new world order is the spray-on contraceptive. The pill, even if it could have survived the propaganda campaign against it, was clearly limited in the protection it offered, that is, it could prevent conception but it did not protect against disease. The latex contraceptive, though it both prevents conception and disease, is universally unpopular and therefore underutilized. Diaphragms and other devices so far introduced all have their limitations. But think about this: a cheap, effective, spray-on medication that would both protect against conception and disease. Sex without fear. Sex without guilt. Truly safe sex. The widespread distribution of freedom in a can would end religious fanaticism, almost instantly provide a check on over-population and change the politics of the world overnight. A New World Order in a Can. Freedom in a Can. A dangerous idea? You bet. It doesn't get more dangerous than this.

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