Saturday, October 14, 2006

On the nature of blogs...

It appears that it is in the nature of the blog beast that one can go back and change (edit?) one's blog after having posted it. This feature seems to raise a moral issue. On those occasions when this is done, does the blogger have a responsibility to acknowledge the change? Mistakes--in grammar, style, or, more importantly, facts--are always embarrassing. How convenient to go back and change--more or less surreptitiously--one's original text. I am brought to this juncture because I found in reading over the Smithsonian article on Fritz Haber that has caused me to post quite a few blogs that I had an important fact wrong. Haber's wife did not kill him; she killed herself--still a shocking story, perhaps even more shocking than the mistaken scenario that I posted, particularly when one learns the details. Nevertheless, this is both a confession and an acknowledgement that I went back and changed the post so that my error was no longer there. I am also tempted to state here that I vow never to do that again, that I will instead check my facts carefully, and that I will take the time to patiently proofread my work. Then again, I have quit smoking many times.

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