Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Civil War in Iraq: The Goal of U.S. Policy?

The Bush administration's refusal to characterize the situation in Iraq as a civil war is understandable since it would then have to acknowledge a civil war as the net result of its invasion. The real question is whether or not this was an unforeseen by-product of our policy or, in fact, the goal all along. No one who had not drunk from the poisoned well of the Bush propaganda ministries could ever have found our stated rationale of "democracy building" anything but at odds with reality. It appears that the Iraqi operation can be counted as an enormous success. It has destabilized Iraq for the foreseeable future and has created the conditions for instability--if not expanded military operations--from Lebanon to Afghanistan. No U.S. president could put the lives of our men and women in harm's way with a policy that announced in advance that it had chaos and destruction as its goals.


Joseph Amato said...

So it seems I am ‘sufficiently’ your primary literary foil in the culture debates of the day and across the planetary spectrum of civilization.
In this light let me comment, as I am compelled by Sicilian blood of family honor and trust to impose my views toward the benevolence of our common living practices.
(Our family living in our generous host culture and our adopted motherland.)

Specifically I will comment to the issue at hand on the language of US military and its “coalition of the willing” to its expeditionary initiative in the global war on terror.

From previous discourse let’s view the interconnectivity of US foreign policies in ‘integrations’ with our common partners of specific economic and transnational bonds.
It is that ‘nine eleven’ was just as much an Israel, NATO, Russia, China attack on global social and cultural advancement having more to with ideas of women, sex identity, - or to say it in the vernacular – their ‘gods’. Let’s include oil, guns and lands and just but not lease controlling the beast of populaces in under bellies of corrupt and disparate ruling regimes and we know this brings me to Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to mention other quite suitable national unrest areas and Burma, Ceylon, Venezuela, Cuba – the list is too long to further…\
Specifically in the response to your ‘obsessive’ US did it alone world view; I would in brotherly and with whole heart advise to see the game of international interest in the American political dynamics. Least we remember the Don of Israel / US corruption and the big Whig of lobbyist now headed for jail – Jack Abramoff.
(Judge sentences former lobbyist to five years 10 months prison Florida
fraud case news agencies report 3 29 06 – I will not mention Israel high schools funding for paramilitary survival courses he funded with us transfers that are also illegal but not it your doing because of divine authority of ancient outdated texts.)
I do agree -shockingly with your thoughts herewith - that the “something rotten in Denmark” crowd of the Forbidden City on the Inner belt way of our nation’s capital lies in this arena of the great District of Washington DC. However, it my thesis that the real issue in the US governance - internally and externally – and as related to international foreign policies is with the ruling elite languages of what in the genre of the ‘nine eleven’ days is called dots.
Yes the focus on the US as a weird ‘schizoid’ Hamlet, or ‘mad” King Richard III, may in fact miss the point of your language and on grandest of scale (in the progressive literary reformation thinker namely William Shakespeare.)
Step back, and look, as in the words of ‘WS’ himself – to paraphrase ‘we are only as good as the friends we admire and keep,’ and in this light would please consider: who lends money to the Bush regime, who did Bush and our nation’s father’s inherit their gift for political governance and its language grip; – and, let’s us not exclude the non-secular practices of the non-social reformations in many parts of the “Old Europe” that still remains nostalgic for imperial ventures.
It was the grandeur of the “old thinking” Imperial Spain, and days gone maybe not so of the grand dame Victoria’s Empire Britannia in grand alliance of invasion to overthrow the despotic blood thirsty lunatic namely Saddham Hussein.
They in concert did ‘it” with our political congressional imprimatur – WAR INVASION!
Yes the naming of THIS EVENT A “civil war,” or not is the tip of the ice berg to your weary frustration in your blog today.
This brings to the necessities of explicating the fourth branch of cohesion the national press in each of the aforementioned states.
Our beastly leaders are a failure and the civil war if any is with theses US partners and hell let’s throw in the kitchen skins and ad EU, NATO,UN, etc…who all refuse to define the world we live with the accommodations and with the complicity their learned academies.
More properly the misuse and failed national language is producing”
1) Electronic toys to kick labor, drones for unmanned attack aircraft satellite guidance of course anywhere and everywhere for the best of our armed chaired generals in the global wars. Keeping kids dumb with twenty thousand tunes in their pretty little ears that say nothing but the ineptitudes of love, sex, money and having whatever next toy or pretty infatuations idol toy boys and girls models admirations of the image – not the word – videos mtv’s idolatries

2) Saving 90 years old wealthy autocrat’s – rich Park Avenue types
with nano-science medical experimentations
3) MBA's - Eron’s, Arthur Anderson, HP Hewlett Packer CEO spy Wall Street Journalist fiascos
4) Further the primarily Earthly beast, the vast uneducated populations, that lie in wait for their own civil war - 51 NYPD Eliot Nest movie “Contagions police gun shots” ready at the aim.
5) I will not even attempt at this written reply to discuss the issue language in the Muslims world and its own interactions – but let’s say this the beast of the streets and little kiddies with Nija bandanas screaming obscene language to attacking helicopters is barbaric and culturally obscene. At least this new educated pope Benedict 16 knows what is rational and non-rational for ruling leaders to protect their own ass in language atrocities. The finest hour of language destruction are Mao’s cultural revolution, Cambodia genocide, not to mention others. It best hour of abuse is with the Monica Lewinsky debate when our Billy boy Clinton tells in testimony it depends on what is is…..
6) Even I can go no further except for my romantic discretions that you will have to visit my own blog. For the brave of fully body discourse.

In conclusion, we must keep our eye on the language issue in our own individual
minds and stay the hell out of the way of the language “war,” and tsunami’s the likes of Hurricanes Katrina’s visiting shores form Banda Aceh, Indonesia to New Orleans etc. Why not also include mountains of Kashmir and the earthquakes.

To be continued.

Fast Eddie said...

I think I managed to register. It is generally accepted that we intend the consequences of our acts. Accordingly, it may be something of a rhetorical statement to say we intended (that is the Bush Administration intended) to create civil war or wars in Iraq. Does my registration information mean that any of my published comments are signed "Fast Eddie?"