Friday, December 01, 2006

Manifest Destiny?

After stealing the richer, northern half of Mexico in the name of a (divinely inspired?) destiny that was manifest from our nation's origins and then spending the next 150 years smugly confident that Mexico would no longer be a threat, events seem to be getting out of hand. With Venezuela, Chile and others of our neighbors to the south turning to populist left wing leaders, the very real possibility of a Cuba-like regime south of the Rio Grande is giving U.S. policy
makers pause. Oaxaca is in flames and the floor of the Mexican congress is looking more and more like a rumble. It appears that U.S. immigration policy, namely turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants from Mexico, designed to relieve some of the pressure--and divert some of the votes--may not be enough to stem the tide of radical change.

1 comment:

Joseph Amato said...

Nancy Pelosi The New Democratic Speaker of the next 2007 US House of Representatives gives The El Paso Texas District Congressman - Mexican -American War Veteran The Honorable Silvestre Reyes charge.
As Intelligence oversight Chairmanship he will hopefully and true to the American ethical fiber will address the balance of Mexico’s historical forces that you address in your blog of 12 01 2006.
The old proverb is: “that the land decides who lives and rules on ‘her earthly ’ soil.”
Not to be fatalistic the injustices of the few over the many transcend even America’s intents but rest squarely on the boots of justice and its cultural inheritances in Euro-centric world view of the many preceding generations. Spain, England, Church and economic colonization on a global scale that was the progenitor to what we now call the new E-Commerce Global inter-connected world of civilizaitonSSSSSSS.
Time does resolve the forces of disharmony collectively through the hearts and minds of all constituents of the social fabric to include its national levers of powers in academic, spiritual, agricultural /technological graces of the unity of advancement in social justice for all our neighbors.