Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Modest Proposal to CBS News

I have a great idea for the CBS News folks. Buy out the rest of Katie Couric's contract before she embarrasses the station any more than she already has. Then, hire Gwen Ifill away from public television's Nightly News. Gwen is an actual journalist as opposed to an entertainer/media personality. She is more than capable enough to do the job and is far more in the tradition of Edward R. Murrow or Dan Rather. She started out as a bright young journalist, is seasoned in television as a result of her years on PBS and is clearly ambitious. Frankly, I find her smiling engagingly at clearly inappropriate times troublesome, but that shouldn't be an issue on network television, and she might even be coached out of some idiosyncrasies she should have abandoned years ago. CBS would win ratings, curiosity seeking viewers, the reputation of being ahead of its time for "discovering" a talented newsperson who happens to be both female and black.

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