Monday, November 20, 2017

RT as an Agent of a Foreign Government

It was only a matter of time.  I cannot count the number of times that I have watched RT and uttered aloud to an empty room, "I can't believe it!  How long will it be before they shut this down?"  It has been too good to be true.  A media outlet that tells the truth.
Now, it has happened.  Though not entirely shut down, RT has been labelled an agent of a foreign government. It is in keeping with the outrage expressed in the media about Russia influencing our elections.  This from a country that sent in helicopter gunships to murder Salvador Allende in Chile, a duly elected national leader.  The list of foreign leaders we have assassinated is a long one; the list of foreign leaders we have deposed through "covert" operations even longer.  RT's real crime--and this is obvious to anyone who follows world events--is that it gives a platform to those who have not drunk the American Kool-Aid.  There can be only one narrative of events--that coming out of Washington and a mainstream media that is controlled by Washington and the corporations that control the mass media in this country.  It is sad; it is outrageous; but it is also alarming because this is probably only the beginning of efforts to shut down any voices who do not subscribe to the official version of events.  Such behavior is associated with fascism and with the behavior of our erstwhile enemies in the former USSR.  Noam Chomsky, though a fierce critic of American policy, when asked by young people what they can do to turn the country around, has typically responded, "Act.  Speak out.  You have no excuse for not doing so.  This is the free-est country in the world."  That has now changed.  So nervous is the establishment now that the American people themselves are wildly scrambling for alternative leaders and ideas, that they have resorted to firing the first shot in a campaign to silence opposition voices. Unless this policy is reversed, we will see it applied to other media outlets.

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