Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Ghost Busters?

Has the weather seemed a bit strange lately?  Does the long series of gray days make you begin to suspect that you live in Scandinavia, a grim land where people are perennially glum and depressed and contemplate suicide?  If you haven't already given up watching your televised local news, (or are just too frightened to watch), has the frequency and nature of macabre crimes, that is, the violent attacks on children, the elderly, the most vulnerable begun to freak you out?  Have you begun to suspect that the Devil really does exist and that he or she is frantically, spasmodically moving from one attack to another on our lives?  Has political correctness inexorably progressed to the point where gender and race, basically all human relations have evolved into eerie parodies of what they once meant?  Have the arts ceased to have a calming effect, to be able to please or comfort you when you most need a little pleasure or comfort?  Are you worried about your health or paying the medical bills required to give relief from your ailments?  Are you worried about money in general?  Do even the most petty financial transactions seem fraught with danger?  Is it not just banks and large corporations that are out to get you, circling you like so many sharks waiting to take bites out of your flesh, but the vendor of bread or chewing gum?  When that eerie blue glow suffused the skies of our fair city a little while ago, did the fear with which you reacted startle you?  Does the prospect of a nuclear attack seem real in ways it hasn't since good Sister Carmencita directed you to take shelter under your wooden desk until the all clear sounded?  Is it possible that the relief that many American voters felt when it was clear that Hillary would not occupy the Oval Office and lay out war plans on her desk with John Bol...  Oooh.  Wait.  Wait just one little minute here.  Oh.

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