Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Right Wing Rationale VIII: Contradictions of Capitalism

How, some may ask, does a right wing rationale supposedly based upon suspicion of earthly pleasures and sexual freedom tolerate the brand of whorehouse capitalism that seems to have proliferated since the onset of the Reagan/Thatcher counter-revolution? How explain a deregulated mass media that has seen the proliferation of Jerry Springers, infomercials, a torrent of advertising such that the 30 minutes supposedly devoted to network national news barely holds onto 17 of those minutes, the concentration of all media—including print media—in the hands of fewer and fewer corporate owners? How explain the availability of cheap foreign made goods facilitating a buying frenzy of shoddy merchandise? Disinvestment in the infrastructure leaving deteriorating mass transit, school buildings, rusting bridges, neglected parks and common areas? How does the right wing manage, at the same time, to tolerate literally unbelievable rewards for CEOs, sports stars and entertainers who live in hedonistic splendor? How explain the proliferation of sexual enterprises running the gamut from Internet porn to Strippers bars peppering the highways and byways of towns large and small? A methamphetamine epidemic in the West? Legalized gambling? Why, it’s as if George Bailey had never lived and old Mr. Potter was allowed to run Bedford Falls!

1 comment:

Joseph Amato said...

I really enjoy the depth and breath of your language on your right wing extremist articles.
The more I read it the more I like it.
I feel you have a world left view that is historic and authentic to the roots of the human condition spiritually and materially or to state it another way politically and worldly.
So the my one word exception is in hindsight revised to suggest that whore capitalism is in essence more truthful that I wanted to admit and that when we live in a sea of drudge whores are actually an intern accommodations to the beastly state of human survival of planet earth, as star trek would say at this stage in our evolution or social awakening. Keep the articles flowing further in the light of the rational discourse that is needed by all.